On the red stuff

So I have a kidney infection.
Hopefully my, not so efficient kidneys, will get rid of it but unfortunately I have been put on antibiotics.
Am exceedingly worried about the state of the NHS though, I know my mind should be on my haggered old kidneys but the consultant I saw right at the beginning of my pregnancy said I should, as requested by GOSH, have a cardiogram at 28 weeks, I have not had anything from a hospital to say that this referral has been made, on top of that my notes haven't been filled in proparly and the wrong patient number has been put on everything, so I had to phone the local hospital to find out what has happened to my 28 week cardio check today.
'oh where were you having that?'
'I don't know! Surely that is what I should be told by you'
'Oh well, I shall have to look into it, we have two midwives off with personal problems at the moment and noone seems to know what is going on'.
'Well I realise it must be tricky, but I am always having to sort this stuff out myself and end up chasing you, surely these referrals should be made automatically after the decision to make a referral has been made'
'So why do you need a echocardiogram?'
And so the sorry story is retold again, my history, my radioactive bits, the risks...........all of it, all over again.
She assures me she will follow it up, I ask to see the person I should of seen at the beginning of my pregnancy at the next appointment I have on 17th August, the person I saw before struggled with English (not that thats a big deal) but wasn't sure on what he was doing and kept having to to leave the room to check with the person that I should of seen who was obviously busy with someone else.
It is very worrying I do hope the birth is going to be alright, having watched the 'Desptaches' program on telly 'Undercover mother' showing the understaffing and lack of funds in the maternity sector, 2 midwives between 18 females on a maternity ward or something and one woman being left to give birth on her own, while the midwife raced around all the other patients, she intermittently checked on the woman but failed to notice the baby was breech because she was so busy, the baby died. That was just one example.......bloody hell.
I know I am scaring myself, and these programs are always dramatised, I am sure the local hospital is fine and all these hiccups will now be resolved, infact the appt came through today after my phone call and a few phone calls while we were on holiday, I have a cardio booked for the 13th August, and my midwife is seeing me every 3 weeks now, sometimes less.
I have developed terrible chest pains since we came back from Wales, got it checked out and apparently it's muscular, they checked all my vitals and things are fine I just have to sit it out, just a normal pregnancy pain thing I think, having never really had indigestion I thought it might be that but apparently not, bloody painful though whatever it is, maybe the babies on a nerve or something. Anyway, feel like such a princess worry pants, wish I wasn't.
Midwife appointment tomorrow to see if the infections gone and to ease my paranoid mind.

Labels: Maternity care in the NHS