La Femme Possible

Heart has four chambers and all looks peachy,
and if it is a she, she is a little minx who doesn't conform for nobody. (Bit like her mother). Firstly she lay on her arm so we couldn't see that, I had to jiggle around the waiting room like some kind of tribal ritual, shimmying as if my life depended on it, G sat down and grabbed at 'Heat' even though he wasn't reading it ( I am sure it was upside down), pretending he had no idea who this weird woman was that was following him around shaking her stuff in a strange sort of mating strutt.
We go back for a second shot, ok, arm has surfaced and so has hand, fingers and everything, spine looking good, brain looking good everything doing as it should. (Apart from the placenta which is looking slightly low but another scan in a month, the big 28 week scan where they will be able to tell whether I am going to be ok birth wise and heart wise and all that palava)
So now the finale, little princess or little prince........
Legs, teasingly not quite far enough apart to allow the scanning lady full confidence in making a sex announcement, although
'I can't see anything so it is likely that, hmm I can't see anything'
I looked
I am sure I saw some girlie bits 'It does look very much like a........'
'Hmm yes I wouldn't like to say 100% but yes it does look that way'
So without saying very much at all our little baby could well be a little girly, which we are obviously very happy with, well we would be happy either way, we are so extreeeeeeemly lucky to be where we are staring at a shadowy figure on a black screen outlining the shape of our little one, slowly getting fatter, looking more and more like a baby, when the scanner first made contact with the freezing jelly the first we saw was the mouth opening up for a gigantic yawn.Well Hotel Uterus never boasted a vast array of entertainment, but so far, I guess it is cosy enough to keep you from walking out in disgust.
Thats my girl.

Labels: 21 week scan ED pregnancy
Fantastic news!! I have been following your journey as I wait for mine to begin and I am so thrilled that things have been going smoothly after a slightly scary start.
Please keep us updated. I love reading your blog.
-fellow survivor, m
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