The dreaded red is back.

Went to the loo and there it was the red I have been dreading to see, a tiny little, clot of red. No pain, although have had weird sudden little things going on today.
I am in a house full of friends we have had a lovely lazy day. crazy thoughts like I had a glass of wine with my lunch go through my mind, threading a wire of guilt. I know it is mad, I know and hope this is a blip, but equally my luck could run out. I am 16 weeks and I guess after disappearing upstairs to frantically look on the net for answers I see that perhaps it could be linked to the monthly cycle or something, or could be a clot behind the placenta. The other more sinister concern is the fact my uterus maybe stretching too much, perhaps it is going to snap like an elastic band, I just don't know.
Whatever it is I hope it is going to be ok, I have had visions of me waking in the night having to call an ambulance or something. I am being dramatic I am sure but shall get out all relevant numbers just in case.
The thought of a miscarriage happening now more than before is frightening, I am trying to stay calm, G is very laid back and says he is sure it is nothing to worry about, but I just think it could be the beginning of luck running out perhaps. Used the doppler and the babys heart is normal which is re assuring, just concerned by the clotty spotting.
Oh please please please let the red go away.

Yes, please let it stop.
Can you get checked?
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