Foot in Mouth

Oh dear everything I say or do recently seems to involve me putting my foot in it or saying something stupid that appears to offend people or if it doesn't I think I have.
Am certainly not blaming it on the pregnancy I think it is just me and my lack of thought to what I am actually saying, sometimes I feel like I am making a joke when actually it is very poor timing! So have decided to selfishly concentrate on me as am having a hard time concentrating on much these days, work is busier than ever and I need to look after G myself and the bean.
Just the other day I was giving a friend a lift to work and started banging on in a complete rant about G not giving up smoking but doing exercises in a vein attempt to get fit, forgetting entirly that said friend, also smokes and does copious amounts of exercises to try and get fit.
Definately think I should leave opinions and advice locked away as am plainly no good at it!
So am keeping them firmly reigned in my blog and just hope I don't manage to piss anyone off in the process.
Said friend obviously wasn't bothered, perhaps made her think abit though.
ANYWAY I WAS 12 weeks yesterday 2nd trimester is on it's way and have a scan on 4th May and obs appointment and will book my nuchal test, hope to see a healthy bean, hope I have been supporting it enough with my appalling diet at the moment ( although am loving salads dripping in oil and vinegar....ooh yes).
Was hormone replacement free all yesterday and today, just having one dose tonight (1 x 2mg Progynova 1x Cyclogest Pessary) another Sunday then on my birthday I finish completely!!
Fingers crossed the placenta behaves itself.
I have also met someone at work who is in their second trimester, it has been so nice to chat to her, unfortunately she is having to have an amnio sentisis as it appears her baby may have downs after having some suspicious blood tests, she decided not to have the nuchal test which is a scan and can apparently tell if the child is potentially a down sysndrome baby (, it is usually done around 13 weeks or something, she advised me to do it, which I I am booked in for anyway, it could happen to anyone. I made a conscious decision not to advise or give an opinion and just listened to how she felt, it must be such a worrying time for her my heart goes out to her and I just keep everything crossed for next week I know it is 1% chance but still it's a risk of miscarriage isn't it. She is 27 and thought that she was infertile and so was over the moon about the pregnancy she still is but obviously is in limbo emotionally at the moment.

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