Notoriously Hopeless System

A doctor phoned me at 3.30 yesterday and she was very caring and said she would do her best to book me in on the early pregnancy clinic at the hospital.
She phoned again to tell me the earliest appointment would be next Thursday before Easter Friday.....
What do people have to do to get seen? arrive at the door losing pints of blood, crawling hopelessly towards the reception desk.
She sympathised with me, and appreciated how worried I must be, she did a wonderful listening doctor, saying how frustrating it must be after the IVF etc etc etc. She told me she would try and beat the system and get my 'actual' doctor to try and squeeze me in early tomorrow (today) and will get him to call me. She however mentioned how it was her day off tomorrow (today) so I would just have to wait for my 'actual' doctor to call me in the morning as this would be the best time to see if they can squeeeze me in for a scan......
And here I am ........lunchtime...3 phone calls to my doctors surgery later and no word.....I phone the Ultra sound department myself. They put me through to the ward that deals with 'womens bits' who basically make me feel like a paranoid time waster, I stop myself from getting wound up and I am sure there are people worse off then me which gives them a right to be so devoid of compassion or pleasant bedside manner . At the end of a very brief conversation she suggests I phone on Monday.
'High risk pregnancy' 'radioactive ueterus' 'cancer survivor' are all words I want to throw at this person as well as £5000 and a years worth of tears.
My visits to GOSH are so far removed from the local PCT's, you go to GOSH there is no messing around, the latest technology at your disposal to be used at the slightest whiff of a possible problem, no quetions asked, health and well being after all is high on the agenda.
I am sure there are a few teenagers getting their quota of scanning time at the local hospital this morning before they go and sign on in the dole que pushing their other 5 kids as they leave the building.
Yes I know, an unfair comment. I should be thankful that I am not crawling along on my hands and knees bleeding from every orifice really.
Buying my own scanning machine off ebay for $5,000 is becoming more appealing as the days go by........
Pay and go to the fertility clinic. They might not be as expert at tracking normal development, but they'll be able to reassure you a bit, I hope.
Then, turn up at the EPU very early on Monday with your mum or a friend, and insist..
I'd also go to that private clinic near you. Miscarriage studies show that tlc from the docs helps reduce miscarriage rates, so go ahead and demand that care. Can you get GOSH involved? get them to refer you somewhere like St Mary's which would see you at this point if you were under their care?
Just checking you. I do hope you're Ok. And if you're not, I'm so sorry. You're in my thoughts.
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