'.....and so a life begins'

'My heart goes boom boomy boom boomy, boom boomy boom boomy boom boomy boom boomy boob boob boob boom' That song is in my head in a joyous way.
We saw our fetus today all 9mm from crown to rump! heart racing ( roughly 138bpm), you could see it, it was amazing wibbling on the screen like a tiny tonsil or something.
Amazing isn't it. quite pleased actually that there was just one, although I am sure the HCG seemed quite high when I last had it done. I am hoping that doesn't mean anything untoward. Makes me wonder whether the slight blood was the other one, obviously the accomodation wasn't right for them I guess.
I am just hoping that this one stays the distance and doesn't get bored of the surroundings they have got a very anxious mummy that wants them to stay with her, she's got a lot of cuddles waiting!
Want to tell the world, but am trying to stay rational and will only tell the world at 12 weeks. Nothing is ever for certain is it.
Feel very lucky so far though, fingers crossed for the future.
Labels: fetal heart beat
happy happy day.
wow. i can't stop the tears. i am so happy for you. i hope I will be in your shoes someday........
hugs always
I am so thrilled and excited to find your blog. I'm another cancer survivor who, for most of her adult life just accepted the fact that I was infertile. Who wants babies anyway, right? Well, um, me. And you! And it's working! Congratulations!
I am wishing you the very best and am adding you to my daily reads.
Thanks for the hope,
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