Good day sunshine.

HCG 17155.0
So erm, yes still pregnant and feeling slightly mad at my mild panic over a tiny little dot. Could well still be two little elongated blobs in there judging by what google has to say about HCG levels. (where would I be without Google, having a life probably!!!!).
Dr called to inform me of my scan that has been booked for the 19th at 2.40pm. Will have to see if G can get the afternoon off.
The levels may explain my sudden lack of inclination to do anything and just sleep. lunchtime seems to be the worst time for me, where I need 20 minutes nap to rejuvenate. I promise I will try not to be a slacker next week, I did do all my planning this morning! Then slept.
So once again I thank everything, the world, the universe, my lucky stars, and have also stocked up on disgustingly healthy snacks to take into work next week including some dodgey over priced seed bar thing by Gillian Mackeith (The pooh inspector)dread to think what it tastes like, particularly as I associate her and her smiling face on the packet with pooh, but I must think of the blobs.
Smuggly beginning to think that things I am not going to say it.......
I refuse to let this all become one big obsession, yes I am temporarily smug, and yes I have ordered a book from Amazon about 'the all Natural Pregnancy' (all things herby and holistic) yes I am one step away from prancing around like a demented hippy on my lawn singing 'all things bright and beautiful'.
Just stumbled across your blog, and I'm so pleased for you!
BTW, my Kind Friend/donor and I are using the same clinic as you have been to in the UK, I am pretty sure from your description of it!
Good luck!
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