Working 9-5

So obviously we are back, Spain already feels like a distant memory, but a memory I revisit time and time again on a daily basis.
In some ways it has been good to get back to work, into a routine where I can forget what has happened and what could happen.
The last couple of days in Spain involved a lot of feet up time for me and indulging in nice food on our last night at a delicious restaurant called 'The Orange Tree'. (good job we didn't find it on our first night, it was pricey but worth it, I would of been wanting to go there every night!).
Anyway, the here and now is what I am trying to live in now, I feel aprehentious that the return to the UK could mean the end to it all, as our plane descended into the grey overcast sky of england, a feeling of dread came over me, as it is here we will get the result, on Tuesday 27th February 2007 I go for the Hcg blood test and on Wednesday 28th 2007 I will know whether all of the last year running up to going to Spain has been in vein or whether another hurdle has been jumped without any limbs being broken.
Not sure how I will cope if a negative outcome is the case, I am sure I will find it easier than I think, everyone has that built in strength to pick themselves up again don't they? I have read alsorts of terrible stories on the net of women doing IVF for 12 years until they get a positive outcome, don't know if I have the strength for that, but I do know that I want this and I want it bad!
The next week is going to go by with the enthusiasm and pace of a slug with flu I am sure.
Labels: return from IVF
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