Power to the people.

When I started this blog I had no idea where it was going to take me, so far it has taken me all over the place emotionally, like a blind London Cab driver with no sat nav.
The purpose of the blog was to reach people like me who didn't know what to expect with egg donation IVF. It is not something I wanted to share with all of my friends as it is a personal choice, and while I have my family I have discovered a whole load of ladies who extend their support and well wishes most of which are in a similar situation 'fertility wise' as me, others just interested in what goes on. It has been very humbling to read all of your well wishes and to enter this very fragile world of infertility together.
Girl Power around the world!
Thank you!
You are all very kind and I hope you all have the success you deserve.
As far as my naughty, unpredictable uterus goes, it is being subdued with progesterone pessaries at the moment and I have had no more bleeding since the Sainsburys outburst, I still have sore boobs and feel tired and queezy but know that this doesn't mean anything really. A midwife at my local surgery is trying to pull strings for me and has given me a number to call on Monday to try and arrange something. So I am sitting tight, trying to relax at every opportune moment, 'the slob' again, no doubt I shall start balancing crystals on my navel to try every single thing to hope for the best. If my other half didn't think I was a princess before, he certainly does now!
My plan B, I have two of them so far, which always makes you feel more in control.
If things don't get better I shall heed the advice of Thalia and get on to GOSH to try and sort a referral out.
Spain have been great too, Ruth phoned me and advised the increase in progesterone and told me to call her on her mobile anytime.
Sometimes that's all you need isn't it.
Feels like I am so ME me me at the moment I appreciate all who read my crazy rants!
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