Is there womb to move?

So a friends wedding yesterday and instead of feeling full of pregnancy vibes I was wishing everyone would stop talking about it, I knew everyone meant well but that is all they would talk about with me. I started to feel like abit of a side show.
'Roll up roll up look how the skinny lady who couldn't have children now parades a little bump of child, come see how ridiculously tiny it is, marvel at her future of medical check ups, come place your bets'
I am blessed to have such wonderfully caring friends but if I told one person I told a MILLION, 'Yes we had IVF, yes I have to have check ups, yes I am happy, yes I am very lucky, yes I am nervous, yes we had to have help'
I was even boring myself talking about it so why anyone else found it interesting. I took myself to the dance floor and went mad, bumping and grinding and leaping about like a mad person, poor baby, although my baby I am sure wouldn't mind me dancing about to a few well known cheesy numbers I expect they were swimming about having a great time.
A friend of mine noted how guilt was the running theme for her from pregnancy onwards, suddenly everything she did she felt guilty that she hadn't done it proparly and wasn't doing enough and all that stuff, I know what she means, I felt guilty for leaping around, guilty for not having any breakfast this morning and guilty for lifting things and these different forms of guilt happen on a daily basis, am I eating enough, putting on enough wieght, stretching enough, big enough, relaxed enough....... Probably more so that I have been longing for a baby for so long I should be dressing in cotton wool and getting in touch with my baby every second of the day.

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