Princess reigns again.....

Went to the doctors today to check the bleeding out.
She felt my abdomen and did a doppler and listened to me droning on about my history etc etc....( I am sure I caught her yawning) we both came to the conclusion a scan would at least tell us if the placenta was low lying which could cause a bleed.
Spain emailed me back Ruth said 'progesterone should most definately not be needed in this stage of pregnancy'
So won't be doing that again (although did stop the bleed so perhaps in emergencies I would). (so only for the first 12 weeks should progesterone bullets be used to stop bleeding.)
Must make a conscious effort not to be a Princess and try and be as normal pregnancy as possible, try not to worry at every single sight of red (although is hard). My dodgy old uterus has done well so far, I just hope it can last the distance which is why I jump at every opportune moment, grabbing the phone like a pyscho, desperate to stop the possible radiation damage from shattering all my dreams. (Even though it saved my life, and I would not have dreams if I hadn't been nuked all those years ago).
Anyway throughout all of my panic Baby was chilling out and things were peachy in floaty baby world according to doppler.
Am booked in for scan tomorrow at 9 am anyway, I hope sound waves don't damage the baby, as the poor thing has been blasted with them on a regular basis recently due to their panic stricken mother.
Can't wait to have the little one out of there in some ways, I am sure hotel Uterus will prove me to be a paranoid wreck.
I hope so anyway.

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