Mi Historia

After fighting a battle with a childhood cancer, I looked infertility in the face and stared at it for the next 15 years. I received Egg Donation IVF in Feb 2007 in Spain My story starts in January and as I am crap with technology you have to scroll right to the bottom each month to the beginning of that month. Happy reading I hope it helps in some way.

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Location: United Kingdom

Diagnosed with Secondary Breast Cancer in 2016, single mother to an 8 year old girl...lets see where this leads me then!!

Monday, 11 February 2008

This time last year............

It is the 11th Feb, this time last year I was popping oestrogen and praying that a bleed would come to an end as I awaited the journey that lay out ahead of me, like a carpet of sunrise on a new day preping my uterus like an olympic athlete, giving it pep talks and praying that it would win the race in becoming a parent against all the post childhood cancer odds.
Tickets in hand waiting to get our flight to Spain.

Little did I know how wonderful the ending to that day would be.

As baby P sits in her bouncer exercising her lungs in preperation for her next feed. I cannot believe that my luck has been so great in this last year. I had no idea how cheesily glorious life could be (albeit a little hazy through sleep deprivation).

The only blip that is on my current horizon.....a raised white cell count,so I am being investigated and re tested, probably nothing but something that brings back bad memories, but also enhances the joy I feel about being alive and having the baby I have always wanted and how I am thankful for every moment with her.

Nursing Bras at Nurtured Family

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