Mi Historia

After fighting a battle with a childhood cancer, I looked infertility in the face and stared at it for the next 15 years. I received Egg Donation IVF in Feb 2007 in Spain My story starts in January and as I am crap with technology you have to scroll right to the bottom each month to the beginning of that month. Happy reading I hope it helps in some way.

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Location: United Kingdom

Diagnosed with Secondary Breast Cancer in 2016, single mother to an 8 year old girl...lets see where this leads me then!!

Friday, 16 November 2007

Special Delivery 39+5

Our baby P was born 7.11.07 after a pretty text book labour on gas and air. Unfortunately while in the pool my temperature went up and I had no urge to push while fully dilated, I pushed regardless willing baby out into the world but it just wasn't happening, so the midwife put me on syntocin to encourage stronger contractions but in the end it was decided to go for an emergency c section as she was getting distressed I was losing blood and she was back to back, and then in the ealry hours of the morning our little P was born, her big eyes stared up at me as I lay in theatre, she stared at me wrapped in a towel clutched in my shaking arms I stared at her I look back at this moment as the most amazing of my life. G and P were whisked off to have skin to skin as I got stitched back up. I was then wheeled back for my time with P, straight to the breast our daughter suckled and so she has remained since.

She is undoubtedly our daughter and the strange thing is all the nurses said how she looked like me and she even has a birthmark in exactly the same place as I do. I love her with all of my heart, and I love G more than ever for his support during a long labour. All of this amazing journey has been worth every magical moment. I still hold part of me that casts my mind to the genetics, I do however have the deepest gratitude and overwhelming feeling of sisterhood for the woman who donated her eggs to us so that baby P can be with us today. Everything feels so right and hotel uterus deserves a medal, I am alomst ashamed of my doubts that it would come shining through bringing our baby into the world, it is hard to describe the amazing love feeling that has engulfed me like a tidal wave, a love I have never felt before and can only put it down to that of a mother for her child.

Our beautiful P.

The next chapter to having baby P continues in a seperate blog 'Viva la Madre' Life after having an ED child.


pregnancy calendarNursing Bras at Nurtured Family


Saturday, 3 November 2007

Ultra snuggly! 39 weeks

She is still hanging in there, obviously too snuggly in hotel uterus. I really want to get things moving now. I have enjoyed every moment of this magical pregnancy and I am sure I will miss it when she is finally here and I am bleary eyed and hormonal, but I want to go for it now. I hope I don't run over due.

Knowing my luck could be the case, having said that my mother had me on the dot so maybe I will be the same, all the naughty business and hot thai curries won't shift her if she doesn't want to come out, she is one comfy baby.

I have been thinking alot about what she is going to look like, I even crazily googled 'Spanish Donors' in the google image search, why? What did I think I would find, a complete write up of the donors family history and a big picture of her! Weirdly enough there was a link to my blog, perhaps some kind of divine message.

I pawed over the email sent to me from spain when they found me the donor, brown eyes, straight medium/light brown hair, fair/medium complexion, likes theatre, art and food. The theatre, the art and food appealed to me as I enjoy these things ( I realise it all runs alot deeper than this in many ways, nature nurture etc), but that is all I have, it's not that I am cut up about it, but I guess the reality is always there, that we will never know, but I know for us that is the best way ultimately. There is an empty space at the front of the baby's journal I have been keeping, the bit where it is the babies family tree, I have been very honest in the journal, and have included pictures of where we stayed in spain, the hospital and everything, but the family tree makes me feel alittle bit sad, and I did allow myself a little cry the other day, my mother and father are both keen on family history and have delved into the depths of their pasts with great vigour and enjoyment, visited landmarks of ancestors and relatives from yesteryear.

The joy of having our baby vastly outweighs the sadness and I will honestly fill in the family tree with facts, but I do wish they could completely be part of my gene pool so that I can share the past as my mother does with me. We will visit Spain though and will visit my family's history regardless, she feels like she is part of me and my love will be the same, but I feel sad for her in away too, I hope she will be happy about how she came to be. That is all I want for her future really.

pregnancy calendar
Nursing Bras at Nurtured Family


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