The breast I can do apparently. 29 weeks.
Labels: Breastfeeding post egg donation IVF; Hormone deficient
After fighting a battle with a childhood cancer, I looked infertility in the face and stared at it for the next 15 years. I received Egg Donation IVF in Feb 2007 in Spain My story starts in January and as I am crap with technology you have to scroll right to the bottom each month to the beginning of that month. Happy reading I hope it helps in some way.
Diagnosed with Secondary Breast Cancer in 2016, single mother to an 8 year old girl...lets see where this leads me then!!
Labels: Breastfeeding post egg donation IVF; Hormone deficient
The appointment sorted she went on to ask me if the hospital had discussed the birth with me.
'Er no'
'Oh this is ridiculous, they should of discussed this with you at 28 weeks' she said
'Well I have to say I did have a bit of a moan at them about the way things are being done, or not being done and he just said that 'everyone does things differently''
'Who did you see?'
'Sorry can't remember his name, it's a different person everytime I go there'
'Did they take your 28 week bloods?'
'No, they gave me a form to take to you to do at our next appointment'
'When your 30 weeks?'
'Yes, he said 28 weeks, 30 weeks it doesn't matter'
'They should of done it at the clinic, this is crazy'
I must admit I looked at my maternity notes and noticed I should have had discussions with my midwife regarding breast feeding at 28 weeks and discussions of the birth and alsorts, I should of filled in a form saying what meds I want at the birth etc etc.
So it actually appears I am not even getting the care a normal run of the mill pregnancy gets.
'Did they take your 24hr urine collection'
'Yes but the doctor said I didn't need to do that anymore unless my U and E's are high'
'So who implemented the 24 hr urine collecton?'
'The consultant I should of seen from the beginning who was going on GOSH's concerns over my renal impairment'
'Oh right well she is on leave until next week hopefully you will see her next time'
In the front of my maternity notes there is a note from the NHS stipulating the quality their maternity services offer, one of which is 'consistency of care'.
I just keep asking myself if it is me? Am I the one who is not doing what they should be doing, I begin to get paranoid that I am becoming a paranoid moaning pain in the backside for the people who do such good work, but it appears the midwife is now getting concerned at what should be happening, which sort of re assures me that a) she is on the case and b)I am not a paranoid hyper condriact.
The midwife seemed very apologetic and I feel re assured that she is on the case at least, none the less, it does rock my otherwise calm steady boat that was just sailing out of the dock of NHS despair into NHS appreciation.
Lets just hope my boat doesn't sink!
Went for 28 week scan on Friday, everything fine, enough fluid, heart pumping away everything where it should be, baby definately not conforming, back to us, legs crossed in typical fetal position and feet hiding the crucial piece of evidence, they are trying to tell us something and so is everyone we talk to when we say we want to know the sex, 'Well we just wanted a healthy baby, that didn't matter to us'
(let me just go into a corner and hide my head in shame how dare I be so callous, of course the babies health matters more than anything else in the world and we really don't care whether it is a boy or a girl, but we would like to know if possible......she says coyly feeling immense guilt and beating herself several times on the back with a rolled up copy of mother and baby, 'bad mummy, bad mummy')
Perhaps the baby has tuned into my credit card frequency(?) and has sensed my desire to use it in Monsoon in the sale for the little dresses teasingly hanging in all of their netted pretty glory ( yes from 0 - 3 months!) begging me to buy them and has decided, for my own good, that knowing their sex would open up a whole pandoras box of spending one way or the other. Once baby comes I will be too knackered and will not care what the cuteness factor of the clothes are and whether it was bought by mummy or not (although I am buying the first cuddly toy come hell or high water, just won't be the pretty rag dolls I have seen I guess) (but how sexist....more guilt) so baby is wise and knows it's mummy too well already.Labels: NHS appreciation